Sunday, 19 October 2008

Magazine Pitch

For independant wome, aged 30-45, class B/C, who are, wise, sociable, care for fashion, keeping up thier appearance, and also looking after the home and family.

Target Advertisers:
*L'OREAL- make up
*Oil of Olay- Definity intense hypdrating cream
*Ralph Loren- Romance (perfume)
*Next clothing
*Blossom Hill- wine
*The Women- chick flick comedy
*Charlse Worthington- Salon Shine Results
*No7-Protect and Perfect Foundation
*Ester Lauder- Age spot corrector
*Nivea Vasage- age regenerating cleancing wipes
*Office- shoes
*Thorntons- Chocolate
*GHD- Hair straighteners
*Tiffany & Co- Jewelery
*Nair- Waxing strips
*Borjour- Lipstick
*Marks and Spencer- food
*Lasenza- underwear
*Dove- Antiperspirant Body Spray
*Ostra Care Vitamins
*Clinique- Makeup Removing Cleanser


The competition for my magazine will be for Clinique products. The competition involves in the reader filling in a short questionnaire, about clinique products, one of these questionaires will be chosen at randome the winner will recieve £150 in gift vouchers for any clinique products.


My proposal is, that Venus magazine should hold a competition that involves the consumer that uses your products.

The competition would consist of, the reader filling out a short questionnaire about Clinique products, one of these will be chosen at random, and the person whose questionnaire is chosen, shall be the winner, and receive vouchers for Clinique products.

The questionnaire will focus on, finding out what kind of products are the most popular in your range, why they appeal to women, and how people rate your products, also you can find out what women think of many things about your products such as; packaging, products sizes, prices and your range in gift packs. Furthermore, the questionnaire will give you an in site on what consumers would like to an improvement of within your products.

I am asking you to provide the vouchers, to the value of £150. This is because I think the questionnaire is a marketing advantage for you to gain knowledge of what your consumers think of your products, what is to their preference and this will allow you to further your understanding of needs and wants that you should focus on for your target consumer.

It could also participate to an increase in your sales, because; the competition is promoting Clinique, readers have the opportunity to experience your products. Plus there will be a lot of readers who would participate in the competition because they have nothing to lose, and they still get the satisfaction that their opinion is being put forward.

Moreover, the target audience for Venus, are women, who are independent, care for their image and enjoy keeping up their appearance, use brand named products, and use skin care products in their daily routine.

I hope you will entertain this proposal, and allow the consumer that uses your products to have a voice.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

My Ideas on how to regulate the internet

Surrounding being able to access ideas from all over the world publishing our words and images are; people are able to access peoples photos and information, such as were they live, thier name date of birth, and this may not be safe for young people who use the internet. Another problem is that things can be spread very quicly on the internet, and people may take advantage of this when it comes to other peoples privacy. How ever sometimes we decide what we put up, and everyone has a different view on what is suitable and what is not, there are some things that people may be offended by, such as inapropriate images, or views on a subject.

I think that thier should be a new organisation, that is promoted so that it becomes well known, so that people are aware that it is safe,and to stop others from putting up offensive stuff on the internet. An organisation with power to scan what it being put on the internet and stop certain things from being published.

It would be regulated and moniterd by some one searching the key things that should be stopped, or having a devise that observes what is being carried out online

I think that thier should be an internet regulation, to make people feel more confident about using the internet, to make it safer to put personal information up, and to avoid people getting offended by what they see online. I think that there should be a sytstem that helps to observe what is being put on the internet and ban anything that isn't appropriate.

There are internet regulation bodies, that keep everything in order on the internet and run 'semi smoothly, they are: The internet society, The internet archutecture board and The internet engineering task board.

An anthropological introduction to YouTube

Youtube Numbers:
There are 9232 hours uploaded on Youtube daily. Almost 400 are always tv channels, 88% of content on youtube is origional.

Web cam:
Web cams allow you to record yourself, and youtubes further this and allows you to put it on the internet and communicate to others all over the world.

"The machine is using us":
This video was made, to inform us, that the internet is linking people together.

The research team:
10 under graduate student, get together every spring and study youtube. They wouldwatch a youtube video and take notes that go to a database.

Who is on Youtube?:
25% of people in youtube videos are aged 35 or over. Anohter 25% are 12-17. The most popular age group is 18-24.

What is on Youtube?:
Most of the videos on youtube are home made. Take for example to the song soldier boy was first posted on youtube, and 4 months later, the song was recognised and the boy who made the video got a contract with a record lable. There are lots of vidoes that are popular and many people watch them daily, sometimes more than once!

Youtube as a community.
*Most people dont know who they are talking to
*Youtube users start of saying "hey youtube". why?
BECAUSE community has broken, and youtube alows us to communicate.

Aesthetic Arrest:
*People can do what they want and watch videos.

Youtube - People Connecting
"Media Do Not Just Distance Us . . They Connect Us In Different Ways . . That Can Sometimes Feel Distant . . But Sometimes Distance Allows Us To Connect More Deeply Than Ever Before"

Cultural Inversion:
New forms of network community are emurging; mobiles, internet. We are all becoming inndividual and independent but still long for comunincation, and youtube is 'shaped by this.

Participent Observation:
This is the core of thier methodology. It is when you participate in something that you are observing. The research team did this with youtue, they were blogging, looking at videos to understand the new forms of comunication such as web cams.

*People are talking to themselves when they up load vidoes!
*You dont know what to say and what people would think back.

"Every body is watching were nobody is"
It feels private when you are recording, because its just you, but it becomes public because so many people are able to watch you.

Recognition and new forms of self awareness:
Youtube is a good place to study yourself.
"You know others will be looking at you, but at the time nobody is there"

Watching Youtube:
You can express your views on people without making them feel awkward, and it helps people to show thier deep connection with others.

Connection without constraint
"Media Do Not Just Distance Us . . They Connect Us In Different Ways . . That Can Sometimes Feel Distant . . But Sometimes Distance Allows Us To Connect More Deeply Than Ever Before"

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0
Web 2.0, is a new trend in the world wide web- allows social networking sited to run, it has a higher speed internet conection in comparison to Web 1.0 and it alows the concumers of media to be the producers of media.

What is the difference between 1.0 and 2.0?

Web 1.0:
About reading texts
*Relevent to companies
*Involvees lectures
*You can only type

Web 2.0:
*About writing texts
*Relevent to communities
*Involves conversation
*You can upload picutres and music
*Allows you to share files over the internet

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